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40 Two Youths part of a Scaring Raid 8003
9 Young Bird Hunter in PNG 800
42 Group of Small Children on the side of the Road 800
39 The Whole World 800
24 Young girl wearing a large display of Kina Shells 800
15 Young Boy out on a Scaring Mission 800
11 Young Lad with a Vision 800
32 Young Lad in Mourning 800
44 Young girl standing out in the crowd 800
51 Young Lad Sitting by the Side of the Trail 800
71 Young Boys with their Bow and Arrows 800
86 Scaring Mission on Patrol 800
76 Young girl with her dog 800
98 Youngster with a 100 Natural Doo 800
90 Young painted warrior in Mt. Hagen 800
92 Young lad following the right footsteps in PNG 800
108 Future Highlands Warrior 800
119 p 148 800
119 p 149 800
119 p 151 800
54 Young Girl Following Tribal Tradition in PNG 800
66 Young Tribal Woman at a Sing Sing 800
123. young face in the crowd
166 out hunting birds
The Tribal Children of Papua New Guinea in 1989
In a country where the average lifespan is only 33 years old, childhood is short.